27 Apr

Markets are conversations. Book promotion ideas start these conversations.

Authors opting for traditional book publishers needn’t bother about marketing. But the royalty paid to these authors are meagre.

On the contrary, self-publishing authors like you who want to publish a book, receive the maximum share of royalty; if you entrust professionals with marketing your book through trailers& also making it available on as many platforms as possible.“

Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov

Hence, make your customers-the precious readers, feel that they made a smart choice by buying your books. White Magic Studios has experts who will help you with the process of editing, layout, interesting book covers & many more factors; and also marketing, which culminates in making your book a success.

Tricks of a good marketing strategy:

  • Have your own website or blog; Increase your mailing list.
  • Increase your network-online & offline both;
  • Use social media; Watch& learn- how other indie authors have increased their sales through social media.
  • Check & learn from popular books of your genre; Study how those books became best sellers.
  • An enticing book blurb; Sort of introduction to the book which attracts readers.
  • Get a professional book cover design or a creative book cover from experts as White Magic Studios.
  • Use book discounting sites; Offer your existing clients some awesome discounts.
  • Make the most of Amazon’s book promotional tool and programs; Helps a lot in promotion of self-publishing authors.
  • Book trailers; Gives a preview of the book. Though it may not bring in new audience, existing readers will be interested.
  • Give away; One of the sure-shot ways of increasing sales is giving away of gifts.
  • Some other ways to increase your sales are

Signing events;

A spot at the book fair;

A place in bookstores;

Book launch;

Featured articles in newspapers;

Editorial reviews;

Don’t stop marketing even after your book is out. If you are still wondering,“ How do I self-publish my book?” We would advise you to seek help of professionals such as White Magic Studios.

Source: https://whitemagicstudios.medium.com/strategizing-book-marketing-for-self-publishing-authors-41cc4ad1cbfb

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